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You Matter Here

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need insurance to qualify for free medical services?
No, we do not require proof of insurance for medical services at Life Choices Clinic. Learn more about our free services and how we can help.
What do I need to know before an abortion?
It is important for you to know how far along you are, whether or not you have an STD, and what your rights are in IN. Learn more about the types of abortions.
How do I know if I am pregnant?
If you are experiencing early pregnancy signs like a missed or late period, morning sickness, nausea, tender breasts, fatigue, food aversions, contact us for a free lab-grade pregnancy test.
Is everything I share private and confidential?
We respect our patients' confidentialiyy to the fullest extent of the law. If you are a minor, you do not have to have a parent present at your appointment. You matter. Your privacy matters.
If I'm in my first trimester, is a medical abortion an option?
The abortion pill can be taken up through 10 weeks after a woman's last known menstrual period. It is not an option with certain medical conditions or an ectopic pregnancy. Contact us about your options in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky.
Do I need proof of pregnancy before an at home abortion?
An ultrasound is the only way to 100% confirm pregnancy and viability and learn exactly how far along you are. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, if you are considering abortion, a free ultrasound at Life Choices Clinic should be your first step.